7 Surefire Strategies to Combat Writing Conundrums

You made yourself a promise. Today, you’ll write that post for your blog, work on your course content, or start that book you’ve been longing to start. You’re in between meetings. And you’ve given yourself a whole hour to write. Your fingers are poised over your keyboard. Knock. Knock. Knock.

How to Attract Devoted Readers by Using Humor Like Ellen

Ellen Degeneres—she’s award winning, Gangnam dancing, and loved worldwide. She has authored three books and hosted the Emmys, the Grammys, and the Oscars not once but twice. (And no wonder—without comic relief, award shows would be a marathon of film recaps, fashion faux pas, and coma-inducing acceptance speeches.)

How to Engage Your Reader—Conversational Writing Tips

It’s casual Friday at the office. And there you are with your two-piece suit and patent pumps (or your black leather Oxfords). Everyone else is in jeans and sneakers. You feel formal and out of place. No one is paying attention to you.